
Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Lime Jewels

IMG_0626eI call these little delicious beauties Lime Jewels because they are covered with crunchy crystals of sugar that sparkle when they catch the light.  I love the tang in these cookies and they’re just light and delicious.  I have made these cookies before with lemons and oranges but these lime ones are my favorites.

IMG_0616e Maisie sort of helped in making the cookies…as she multi-tasked and ate some Veggie Stix.

IMG_0630eMaisie was much more interested in helping to eat the cookies.

IMG_0635e Getting silly and putting on the charm asking for the entire plateful of cookies.

IMG_0621eLime Jewels

1 1/2 cups flour
1/4 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
1/2 cup butter, softened
1 cup sugar
1/2 tsp vanilla
1 large egg
Zest of 1 lime
Juice of 1 lime
1/2 cup crystal sugar, for rolling the cookies before baking

In a medium bowl mix together the flour and baking powder.  In a mixer, blend the butter and sugar mix until light and creamy. Add the vanilla, egg, lime zest, and lime juice.  Mix to combine. Add the flour mixture and blend slowly until fully incorporated.  Cover the batter and refrigerate for at least one hour.

Preheat oven to 350 F. Using a small cookie scoop, make balls of the dough and drop them into the crystal sugar and roll to coat.  Place the sugared balls onto a Silpat  or parchment paper lined baking sheet.  Bake for 8-10 minutes until the edges just begin to turn brown.  Remove to a cooling rack.  Fresh out of the oven the cookies have a crunchy edge and exterior with a gooey center and once cooled they keep the crunchy edge but the inside is lovely and just a bit chewy.  These cookies freeze wonderfully and once defrosted to room temp they keep their crunchy edges and chewy center but if you like really crunchy, eat them straight from the freezer…delicious either way.



  1. Tasty sounding cookies and I love how Maisie is in all of your pics, very cute...
    Thanks for sharing..

  2. Oh yes! I have everything I need except the sugar. I'm making these this weekend! :)

  3. These cookies sound so delicious. Love the photos of Maisie. She makes me smile.

  4. Your daughter is adorable!!! These cookies look awesome.

  5. Oh, Lisa...I hope I'm assigned your blog soon because I would choose these in an instant - well, at this very moment, since you have so many great recipes! They look and sound amazing - I love lime cookies, and that shimmery, crysral sugar crunch is gorgeous!

  6. Those sugar crystals are so inviting!

    <a href=">Amy @ A Little Nosh</a>

  7. Your pictures of these cookies make me want to jump up and make them! That's the idea right? Well, there's always tomorrow. These look absolutely delicious!

  8. Awww... too bad we don't have over here at home. Would love to try it, those sugar crystals look adorable!

    Hopping from Food Trip Friday.

  9. Looks delish.

    Thanks for sharing with us at
    Simply Delish Saturday

  10. They look so good! My kids also love baking with me, and of course they couldn't help but enjoy them after!

  11. Lisa,
    Your little girl is precious! The cookies look so delicious, they will be perfect with my tea. Thank you so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday. Hope you are having a great week end and come back soon!
    Miz Helen


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