
Friday, January 25, 2013

Chicken Dumpling Patties

IMG_6283eMaisie adores dumplings but as she’s allergic to wheat, I make her special Pork Dumplings with Rice Wrappers which are delicious but extremely time consuming to make.  Maisie’s been asking for dumplings but life has been crazy and I just haven’t found the time to devote to making them.  I started thinking about her dumplings and realized that it wasn’t the wrapper which she loved, it really was the flavors of the filling.  It was sort of spur of the moment the night that I decided to make these patties and I happened to have boneless chicken breasts in the house so I decided to grind them up and use that meat instead of the pork, which I usually use in dumplings, and it worked out beautifully.  Since these were a last minute decision, I didn’t have any Napa cabbage so after checking my pantry I decided to add water chestnuts which worked out beautifully, providing a nice little crunch and wonderful additional moisture to the patties.  I chose to pan fry the patties to give them a little crunch on the outside and they held together well and cooked up easily & quickly. These patties really did have the flavor of dumplings and were totally delicious, super simple to make, healthy and loved by all.  I know that I’ll be making these Chicken Dumpling Patties again very soon as they’ll be a perfect Chinese New Year meal for my little allergy girl.  I also know that it won’t be the last time I make these patties as I see them becoming a regular menu item in our home especially as they travel well for lunches, freeze and reheat beautifully.  A perfect little snack or meal..

IMG_6285eChicken Dumpling Patties

In a large bowl combine all the ingredients except the cooking oil.  Form the mixture into six to eight, pointer finger thick, patties.  Heat a large cast iron skillet over medium heat and add enough cooking oil to just lightly coat the bottom of the pan.  Brown the patties on both sides making sure to not over-cook the patties but making sure that they’re cooked all the way through.  Serve the patties with Dumpling Dipping Sauce.



  1. Mmm, these look yummy (but I'd miss the dumpling wrapper).

  2. Hi Lisa!
    This is a blast from the past... October 2006 you informed me (before even my agency ~NLAA~knew) that my second daughter's referral was on it's way to be delivered! I remember such a feeling of relief and thankfulness for you sharing your knowledge. Even my SW couldn't believe I knew the agency! heheh...

    Anyways... we love making dumplings but agree that they are a lot of work. We will definitely be trying this yummy recipe. Thanks for giving us a different way of preparing one of our favorite foods!

    1. SW couldn't believe I knew *before* the agency knew. ;-)

  3. I nearly died when I saw these. Making them tonight!


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