
Monday, November 7, 2011

Aloo Tikki

IMG_1472eHere we are already at the third month of the Crazy Cooking Challenge hosted by Tina of Moms Crazy Cooking.  Each month she challenges participating bloggers to search non-celebrity blogs looking for the ultimate recipe of the month and then to make and feature that recipe and the blog.  The first month we were challenged to find the ultimate mac & cheese recipe and I made a delicious Velvety Mac & Cheese.  Last month the challenge was chocolate chip cookies and for me, my ultimate was Chocolate Chip Gingersnaps, truly delicious. 

This month we were challenged to find the ultimate mashed potato recipe.  Sounded simple enough as everyone seems to have what they consider a wonderful mashed potato recipe but as I was reading through all the various recipes, nothing struck me.  Don’t get me wrong, they all sounded delicious, some with simple additions some with a myriad of ingredients, butter, cream cheese, sour cream, bacon, garlic, herbs and spices but just nothing called to me.  So I looked in a different direction and there were cakes and brownies which had mashed potatoes as one of the ingredients but still, I was uninspired.   Then it happened, I was having lunch with a friend and was happily enjoying some Aloo Tikki,  It struck me, Aloo Tikki are essentially wonderfully seasoned mashed potatoes fried up into little patties, Brilliant!  I was finally inspired so off I went looking for the my ultimate mashed potato recipe in the form of Aloo Tikki and I found it at Arundhuti’s My Saffron Kitchen.  The recipe was simple and the pictures captivating so I was ready to cook…well once I picked up some potatoes. 

I changed the spices in the recipe somewhat to utilize what I had available at home and also to adjust it to my tastes and in the end I have to say, I made some ultimate Aloo Tikki and and I think they qualify as the ultimate mashed potato recipe of the month.  If you think so too, I’d appreciate your vote on the links below.  I hope too that you’ll give Aloo Tikki a try and remember if you have some regular mashed potatoes, they could easily be used as the base for these.

IMG_1421eMy beautiful Maisie Miao Miao helped by mashing the boiled potatoes.

IMG_1428eWe mixed all the ingredients together in one big bowl and then using a large cookie scoop I portioned out the potato mixture.

IMG_1441eI patted down the scoops to make patties, each about 1/4-inch thick.

IMG_1451eI coated the outside of the patties with a cornmeal & cornstarch mixture.

 IMG_1454eIn about 1/8-inch of oil, I fried the Aloo Tikki.

 IMG_1460eOnce browned on the first side I carefully turned and browned the other side.

 IMG_1464e Crispy on the outside, creamy spicy potatoes on the inside and the peas have a nice little pop when you bite into them, perfection!

Aloo Tikki  (Adapted  from here)

2 pounds baking potatoes, peeled and boiled until easily pierced by a knife
1 cup frozen sweet peas
1 medium onion, finely minced (I used Vidalia)
2 green Thai chilies, seeded and minced finely
1 red Thai chili, seeded and minced finely
2 1/2 tsp. amchur powder (dried mango powder)
1 tsp. ground cumin
1 tsp. ground coriander
1 TBS. finely grated fresh ginger
1/2 cup fresh cilantro, finely chopped
1 tsp. fresh ground pepper
salt to taste
1/4 cup cornmeal
1/4 cup cornstarch
Oil to shallow fry (I used peanut oil)

Drain and mash the potatoes in a large bowl.  Add the peas, minced onion, minced green & red Thai chilies, amchur powder, ground cumin, ground coriander, grated ginger, fresh cilantro and ground pepper.  Mix well and add salt to taste.  Using a large cookie scoop portion out the potato mixture.  Flatten each ball to approximately 1/4 –inch thick.  In a bowl mix together the cornmeal and cornstarch and then coat each patty lightly with the mixture.  In a large fry pan heat approximately 1/8-inch of oil.  Fry the tikkis on both sides until golden brown. Remove to a cooling rack lined with paper towels to drain the excess oil.  Salt if desired and serve hot with ketchup or a chutney of your choice.




  1. These look amazing, and oh, so, good!

  2. Oh my goodness these look so good! I'm so glad you shared them this week!! :)

  3. So glad to find you, these look delicious and I've never heard of them before (we live a shelter life, haha) can't wait to try!

  4. Oooh those look exotic! Love it. Excellent work and your helper is adorable. :)

  5. These sound really unique! Thanks for sharing.

  6. Wow Lisa! These look awesome! I know my son will love these! Great pics!

  7. Oh my, these look wonderful! So glad you shared these!

  8. SO funny, we both had the two challenges and on the second we chose very similar recipes.My original one was to be fried into patties like you lol. They look awesome.

  9. oooo they look perfect!! Great Choice for THE CRAZY COOKING CHALLENGE!!

  10. These look awesome! Thanks for stopping by earlier!

  11. Never heard of this, very inspiring!! It's cool that you went in a different direction!! Voting for you!!

  12. This sounds like a wonderful spin on mashed potatoes!

  13. What a fabulous recipe! These look delicious! Glad to have found your site thru the Crazy Cooking Challenge.

  14. Hi Lisa,
    What a very special dish and your awesome helper makes it real special! Great recipe for the Crazy Cooking Challenge, it looks delicious! Hope you are having a great day.
    Miz Helen

  15. That is so cool! I've never heard of such a thing! They look delicious!

  16. Oh my, these sound heavenly! I love spicy things, and I really love dark brown caramelized things. Thanks for teaching me a dish I'd didn't know about!!


  17. These look so yummy. I will have to try these. Thanks for sharing.

  18. Visiting from the Challenge #63 - great pictures...they look yummy. Recipe looks spicy with chilies! Would love to try them!

  19. These sound and look so delicious!! And your little helper is adorable!

    Jen #14
    Jenny's Cookbook

  20. These would make a great treat for my toddler!

  21. What a unique twist on mashed potato patties. I've never heard of them, but they sure look tasty. Thanks for stopping by and checking out my mashed potatoes recipe! :)

  22. what a great recipe, something I have never heard of before :)

  23. These are very different than anything I have tried before, but they look delicious and I am going to try them some time.

  24. If I didn't have an unnatural fear of frying things, I would absolutely try these. Might have to get the Maternal Unit to make these for me.

  25. YUM!! I love Indian cuisine, especially anything 'Aloo' because I adore spiced potatoes They look amazing, Lisa! That said, I ate too much pumpkin gnocchi all day yesterday, (it's 'that good' lol) and I was useless at PT. Stopped at my friend, Jen's after a bunch of errands,, and conked out until 10 pm!! D thought I was kidnapped! lol Talk tonight?

  26. Great tikkis! If I hadn't made Pav Bhaji, I would have made these for the challenge :). I prefer shallow frying since I have a phobia with deep frying :))!

  27. oooh...these sound VERY interesting! Thanks for stopping by my blog, I'm #68.

  28. wow, you really have some wonderful flavors packed into these!

  29. Wow these look really awesome! Thanks for stopping by my blog too!

  30. My family will go crazy for this!

  31. Your pictures are beautiful! They look quite tasty!

    Thanks for stopping by my Mashed Potato Cakes, #59!

  32. Looks great! Fried mashed potato patties... yum! Love the additions on the inside too :) I'm #71!!!ex

  33. YUM! I had never heard of Aloo Tikki but this sounds and looks so good. What a great entry in the crazy cooking challenge!

  34. These look delicious! I'm so excited to learn about a new-to-me dish. Thanks for sharing! (and for stopping by my blog).
    Tracey @ The Kitchen is My Playgroun (#42 in the Challenge)

  35. Wow, this is one amazing and unique recipe. Love the pics. Love the potatoes. Love the feather. Great job on these.
    Kim Bee

  36. What a fun idea! And these look so delicious. great take on mashed potatoes :-D

  37. Have never had anythng like this, your little one is precious. Glad she enjoys to help you in the kitchen, someday she will the food network queen of cooking! andi

  38. I love the use of Indian spices in this. I'm looking forward to beginning taking part in this challenge next month.

  39. Yummmy.. This looks amazing.. What a lovely recipe.. I have to try it sometime.. I would LOVE if you could please link it to my thanksgiving {three weeks of thanks} party pweease - Via Wishing you an awesome start to your week.. ~M

  40. Oh my goodness your daughter is adorable ... love the feather! These look like a unique way to use up left over mash potatoes next week.

  41. Looks delicious. How fun to try this recipe.

  42. These look delicious! I love things with texture, especially crunchy and creamy things

  43. These look really cool, Lisa! I've never fried mashed potatoes before.


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