
Sunday, November 20, 2011

Apple Dumplings

IMG_1944e Recently I saw a recipe for apple dumplings on Tina’s blog, Moms Crazy Cooking and they looked so easy and delicious I just had to make them.

IMG_1898e When I say easy, I mean easy.  Peel and slice an apple.

IMG_1902e Wrap each apple slice in a triangle of refrigerated crescent dough.

IMG_1907e Lay the wrapped apples in a greased pan.

IMG_1909e Pour on a mixture of melted butter, sugar and vanilla.

IMG_2209e Spread on some partially thawed apple  juice concentrate and add some water.  

IMG_2214eSprinkle with cinnamon and chopped pecans and then bake. 

Like I said, super simple and what you get are hot and delicious apple dumplings.

IMG_1939e Apple Dumplings (Adapted from here)

1 stick butter
1/2 tsp vanilla
3/4 cups sugar
1 tube refrigerated crescent rolls
1 granny smith apples
1/2 can frozen apple juice concentrate
1/4 cup water
ground cinnamon 
1/2 cup chopped pecans

Peel and slice your apples. Wrap each slice in a crescent dough triangle and place in a sprayed (greased) 8x8-inch pan.  In a bowl melt the butter and then lightly stir in the sugar and vanilla so that the mixture remains grainy. Pour over top of the wrapped apples. Spread the frozen apple concentrate over the wrapped apples and pour in the water.  Sprinkle with cinnamon and pecans. Place in 350 degree oven for 30 to 40 minutes. Serve hot or at room temperature.


Thank you to everyone who commented and emailed with food suggestions, websites and links in helping me with food substitutions and suggestions so that I can feed Maisie with her recently diagnosed allergy to wheat, milk and egg whites.  I am beginning to find my way and hopefully soon I’ll easily be cooking up a storm of wonderful foods that are safe for Maisie to eat.


  1. I was a little worried when I saw the pastry being covered in so many liquid ingredients but the finished result looks amazing.

  2. YUM! I love crescent rolls. They are one of my guilty store bought pleasures. These sound amazing.

  3. You're right - these are so so so easy! Cant wait to try it out myself!

  4. These look so delicious; I never would have guessed that they would be so simple to make.

  5. Hello SRC friend! We had you for this months assignment and we made these apple dumplings. Oh man were they good! I took them out of the oven and took Baby Boy so Rachel could photograph. From the other room I hear her call me in, she said I had to try them immediately they were so good! Enjoyed looking through your site, so many to choose from - but these were great :)


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