Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Nutella Crêpes

Yesterday was the big reveal day for our Secret Recipe Club group and on that day all the participants are excited to post not only what they made but to see what recipe was made from their blog.  See the rules of the club are, each month you are assigned a different participating food blogger and without telling them, you make one of their recipes of your choosing.  Then on a specified date everyone who is participating that month posts their recreation or version of the recipe they made.  It’s really a lot of fun.  Unfortunately one blogger didn’t hold up her end of the bargain and didn’t post a recipe from her assigned blog.  So as not to leave any cook behind, Amanda arranged for a number of Secret Recipe Club bloggers to come together and cook from Connor’s Cooking blog.  Thus, this special edition of The Secret Recipe Club.

Generally when I get my assignment I read, list, save and stress over which recipe to make but I have been a reader of Connor’s Cooking for many months and have already read though all the recipes so today I just scrolled through to see what would strike my fancy.  In the end it wasn’t *my* fancy that got to pick but my darling and always helpful little Maisie Miao Miao who decided what I would be making. 

IMG_9906eUnfortunately because of gymnastics practice she wasn’t able to help me in the kitchen but she did enjoy the fruits of my labor.  

IMG_9911e So what recipe did Maisie pick?  Well you obviously already know from the post title and seeing the pictures but Maisie chose crêpes and asked that they be filled with her favorite Nutella

IMG_9907eAs luck would have it, I had all the ingredients in the house so I set off to make Connor’s Cooking Basic Crêpes.  The batter came together easy in my blender and cooked up beautifully.  As you can tell, they were a hit with taste tester Maisie and everyone else.


Nutella Crêpes (adapted from here)

1 1/2 cups milk (I used 1 1/4 cup fat-free and 1/4 cup heavy cream as that’s what I had in the house)
4 eggs
1 cup flour
1 1/2 teaspoon Whey Low Granular or sugar
1/8 teaspoon salt
8 teaspoons butter, melted plus more for pan


Add the milk, eggs, flour, sugar, salt and 8 teaspoons of melted butter to a blender and process until smooth.  Cover and refrigerate the batter for one hour to allow it to rest.  Melt a small amount of butter in a crêpe pan or skillet over medium heat.  Pour a scant 1/4 cup of batter into the center of the pan. Lift and tilt pan to coat bottom evenly. Cook until top appears dry and the edges start to curl.  Flip and cook 15-20 seconds longer. Remove to a cutting board. Repeat with remaining batter, adding butter to skillet as needed. When cool, crêpes may be stacked with or without waxed paper in between.

When ready to serve, take a small amount of Nutella and using an offset spatula gently spread the Nutella over the entire surface of the crêpe and then either fold or roll.

If you’re like Maisie you pick them up with your fingers and enjoy.  If you’re more grown up you could make the crêpes fancy with fruit and cream or you could make my 24-Layer Crêpe Cake but now you see how we generally roll in this house.


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  1. One of my favorite desserts ever! I could move to France solely bssed on the fact that you can get these freshly made all over the place lol They look perfect! Very cute photos of yur daughter enjoying them!

  2. Oh what a cutie Maisie is! Of course she picked the Nutella Crepes. Anything with nutela will be a hit. Thanks for sharing

  3. How cute!! These look great and you were so nice to volunteer to help!

  4. I love crepes and never have luck making them at home. Your look almost as gorgeous as your daughter.

  5. What a cutie! And mmmmm, nutella.

  6. Somebody is very happy with the crepes!

  7. Oh, yum! If I had Nutella in the house, I would make these right now... and devour the entire plate myself probably.

    Thanks for stopping by and commenting. This was fun!

  8. Lisa,

    These look delicious! Crepes are something that I'd love to perfect. This was a fun opportunity!

  9. So cute! What a great recipe to pick! I like her way of thinking :) Such a great recipe as I believe I always have all of those ingredients in the house!

  10. Cute lil' eater-helper. ;) I saw someone made the crepes in the linkz and they look de-lish. We love crepes here and the boys' favorite is banana Nutella.

  11. Looks like you have one very happy young lady! I do love Nutella, on a crepe or by the spoonful. What a fun day.

  12. Adorable photos and an excellent choice for today's special post! I love the idea of making the batter so easily!

  13. I want to make these. they look fantastic.

    I made smore's brownies and they were also a treat.

  14. I have never made a crepe but these look so good and sound so easy. I'll have to change that soon!
    Love the thumbs up from your daughter!

  15. YUUUUUUUUMMMMMMM! I have been making crepes this week, but I haven'ttried them with nutella yet.

  16. Thanks for making crepes look easy to make! I bet that they were great, especially filled with my favorite, Nutella!

  17. These crepes sound delicious! I love Nutella!!

  18. Oh yum, yum, yum!!! They look delicious! Your pictures are adorable!!!

  19. :) I've made the lazy version of these before with just tortillas and nutella or for the other half i use nutella and peanut butter.. I've only made crepes once and they were surprisingly easy. this is a great idea. thanks for sharing!

  20. ooooh. those crepes look amazing, I might want to try those this weekend.


  22. Nutella is so yummy and then coupled with crepes??? A little France in my mouth!

  23. Mmmm, a great choice with awesome results and thats verified by Maisie's smile and thumbs up! Great to see your post!

  24. Mmmmmm. Rob wants me to make crepes at home now.

  25. Yum, I love crepes! Love them filled with nutella!

  26. Mmmmmm...I think Maisie approves! Cute photos~

  27. Thanks for taking time to make a recipe from my blog! I have never tried nutella before but it is now on my grocery list to try it out...


  28. I remember eating these in Paris and found them oh so delicious!! I bet home made is even better- by the look of your daughter's face. :)

  29. You had me at Nutella, but completely locked me in at crepes. That combination is delicious!!
    So wonderful you were all able to help out a lone blogger! The food blogging world rocks and I'm so thrilled to be a part of it.

  30. How great that you were able to step in and help!! Kudos to Maisie for a delicious choice of filling for those yummy looking crepes! Great job! :)

  31. Super cute photos! Sounds great!

  32. I can only imagine how great these tasted! If I had one of these I'd be one happy camper!

  33. Oh..these crepes are a wonderful breakfast idea for my kids, Lisa!

  34. love crepes and love nutella! this is a win win! please come back to foodie friday and post this too!

  35. Great idea to fill the with Nutella and eat the with you fingers. A perfect snack!

  36. I tried the recipe because I discovered that I already own a flat bottomed pan that works well. Super! I copied a recipe from the creperie we were just at and spread a little butter on the warm crepe, sprinkled a little lemon juice and powdered sugar and voila! Oh yum.

  37. Another great idea to fill my crepes. I bet these were delicious. I'm imagining this along with some banana slices and it sounds perfectly wonderful.

  38. YUM YUM YUM! The hub is just back from France and was singing praises of Nutella crepes...and voila, here they are. Little Maisie is precious cute and has a great choice for food!

  39. Wow, fantastic blog! I love the title, point of view, and pictures... Great job! Please visit me at and drop a few suggestions that have been helpful to you and your blog, I really appreciate it. Thanks!

  40. These look so delicious. What a perfect dessert!

  41. Mmmmmm.... I am such a nutella fanatic. I try every recipe I find, and so far I have not thought of putting it on crepes or trying it this way. It looks SO awesome.

  42. they look delicious! Did you notice that the crepe pattern matches her outfit? :O)

  43. These crepes look amazing! Your little one definitely looks like she's enjoying them =)

  44. Love those crepes! They look so delicious.

  45. Such cute photos and the crepes look great!


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